Friday, January 20, 2012

Update Much?

Will someone, puh-leez, for the love, update this blog?!?

Good grief...

So a lot has been going on with The Maddox's--nothing HUGE, just busyness with friend's weddings, family engagements, post-holiday excitement, Tad's first birthday celebration/party of the year celebration, and of course, WORK.

I've been SUPER blessed to see my freelance design/writing business grow, but it has come at a cost. And that cost is sleep (Ok, and some social activities). I'm staying up late (so I can actually get work done!), and getting up early (anyone know how to make your baby sleep past 5 a.m.?), and well, the blog gets low priority...

But, hopefully in the future, when some of my jobs are complete, I'll be back to share pictures and stories and complete my goal of blogging my boys' entire life story.

1 comment:

Mrs. Cervantes said...

So glad you are doing some work on your own. I know this is what you have been wanting to do. Get some rest.