Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Holiday Gift Ideas

Does anyone out there follow "100 Days of Real Food" either on their blog or Facebook? I've just started, but basically, it's a family that set off a mission to eat only "real" food for 100 days. (See, you didn't really need that explanation, did you?!)

Well, their journey has ended, but with 30,000+ people following them and looking for food advice, the mother is now a online leader in revolutionary food ideas, menus, and more. It's quite fascinating, and while I don't think I am disciplined enough to do it (maybe their 10-day pledge, though?), I have been inspired to take the small steps I can to eat healthier and cook better.

One of her posts, though, was super clever and offered holiday gift ideas for oh, let's say, those neighbors or good friends who follow your blog.

So click here to check out some of the ideas. 

Spoiler Alert: The holiday gift ideas are not sugary-sweets. (I know, I know; I was a little disappointed to not have cookies on the list, but remember, the goal is to live longer, be healthier, yadda, yadda, ya....)

What gifts are giving this holiday season to coworkers, neighbors, teachers, and blog writers like myself?

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